Speak up for Filo & Peri
Here’s your chance to get your voice featured on the next Filo & Peri track. Simply record the words ACID PARTY. Record it with a studio mic or record it with your iPhone. Just make sure it’s in a quiet place and your recording has no background noise. If you want to know what Filo & Peri are looking for, anything works. Say it with energy, say it high, or do your best robot voice, Filo & Peri just don’t care how crazy it gets. Filo & Peri will pick the coolest of the bunch and feature six to eight of your ID’s in the upcoming single. The winners will also get advanced copies of the track!
Up to 3 different submissions per person will be accepted.
Email all entries to filoandperinyc@gmail.com
Deadline for submission is March 25th.